I remember Loveline. On the radio. It is of course <I>still</I> on the radio, but I remember listening to it in junior high, and feeling very naughty. I also remember the two or three weeks before high school on the wrong side off the country I spent searching the airwaves in vain for a station that played it because it would be something grounding me to my past life.
You would think after 8 years I would be over the adolescent trauma, and maybe I am for the most part. But really I still feel lost and unwelcome in Cow Hampshire. It's great to have future plans and goals and all, but you still have to live through the present. gah, this is getting ridiculous, my apologies, signing off.
You would think after 8 years I would be over the adolescent trauma, and maybe I am for the most part. But really I still feel lost and unwelcome in Cow Hampshire. It's great to have future plans and goals and all, but you still have to live through the present. gah, this is getting ridiculous, my apologies, signing off.

i've been listening to loveline recently, man some of those people have some serious issues. I've always been told that i'm weird, but god damn, those people make me look like a christian schoolgirl.

BR-549??? I didn't know anyone knew who the hell they were..... funny stuff.