Bored with this site, blogging/twittering elsewhere. There have been way too many girls who look the same on this site for a long time, must remember to cancel the auto-renew. Basically, I would rather have a pretty girl in my arms then pay to look at photos of mostly skinny hairless white girls. Not finding any ladies in my area who aren't already attached to men and looking for something on the side - which isn't terrible, but I'd like to try a one on one relationship with a woman for a change. Met a lovely geek boy recently, actually my age this time, and the kind who engages me at every level. Doesn't live close enough for me to get obsessively attached too quickly, and I've even said to him that I don't want a boyfriend right now. He doesn't fold under criticism or pressure, he's assertive, but not ignorantly aggressive or manipulative. Suffice to say, part of me is falling for him already, despite my frequent verbal assertions that it's nothing serious. Shall see how it goes.
More Blogs
Wednesday Feb 15, 2006
Another wednesday, another psyche rotation. Was expecting some excit… -
Wednesday Feb 08, 2006
nursing school is hardcore this semester, but I have no excuse to fai… -
Saturday Jan 21, 2006
Amazing, less than a month and I'm updating again... the occasion: A … -
Saturday Jan 07, 2006
Mmm, yes, happy holidays to all...only a week after the holidays are … -
Tuesday Dec 20, 2005
Err... well my brain has been allowed to reload now that school is ov… -
Tuesday Nov 15, 2005
random update.. looking at candid pics of SG girls at the reading tat… -
Tuesday Nov 15, 2005
Wow, it's been a month since I've been on here. Er. Life is okay, bus… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
Hmm, rumours abound. At least one of my favorite SG girls has left, … -
Thursday Sep 22, 2005
Two days later and I finally have a moment to revel in childish delig… -
Sunday Sep 18, 2005
Movies to be purchased: Fever Pitch - Collector's Edition Brazil …
Hope you enjoy your special day!!