L.A. Weekly: The Sandman was passed around a lot.
Neil Gaiman: Sandman was also sexual... like sexually transmitted. You would get guys who desperately wished that their girlfriends would read comics finally getting a copy of Sandman and saying, "Read this, you'll like it."
I thought this was pretty funny, especially since I picked up The Sandman from my first boyfriend in high school. It was still one of the most passionate relationships I've ever had, despite the fact that physically we didn't share more than a kiss on the cheek and lots of snuggling. To illustrate further, we thought of ourselves as "Desire" and "Delirium" (me) from the book... I still wouldn't go through adolescence again for anything (and I'm not always sure that I've yet escaped) but it was definitely a time for brilliant electrically charged relationships and ideas, some of which have actually survived.
Speaking of adolescence. The Smashing Pumpkins are going to be in Atlantic City in November, the day before Neil will be in NYC to talk about the Sandman's anniversary. I already have tickets to see Neil... I think I will splurge and go see the Pumpkins as well. I know they are not the same band they used to be, but I still love Billy's voice and it will be a dorky little childhood dream come true and the opportunity to do something by myself again and have fun. Now... old lady in a seat or go for the GA pit? I think the pit because then I can wander, being stuck in a seat next to strangers is much more nerve wracking.