Maybe you got a last minute party invitation, or maybe you're just a procrastinator. Either way, SG's got you covered with these super simple Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas:
Price is Right contestant (any clothes + yellow name tag)
Camp Counselor (track shorts, vintage t-shirt [bonus points if its from a camp!], beaded necklace or whistle, tube socks, sweatband, clipboard)
Bubble Bath (all white or light blue outfit, attach small white balloons all over and top your head with a rubber ducky - can add other accessories like back scrubber, loofah, bottle of bubble solution, etc.)
Emoji (large yellow t-shirt with favorite emoji face attached via felt cut outs or even just drawn on with sharpie!)
Classic Sheet Ghost (just a white sheet with holes cut out for the eyes - SO EASY)
Rosie the Riveter (denim shirt & pants, red bandana & red lipstick)
Wind Up Doll (simple dress, “doll” makeup, paper towel roll & cardboard key handle spray-painted silver or gold)
Cereal Killer (small cereal boxes stabbed w/ plastic knives attached to white t-shirt with scattered cereal glued on - jeans/black pants, boots, plastic knife to hold)