Time for a new blog..the old one was bumming me out
It's weird, this is the happiest and the most depressed/stressed that I have ever been in my life. Things have finally sunk in which is a good thing. For about two years it's been a lot of tests, evaluations, etc and just waiting, constantly waiting for someone to tell you the fate of your daughter. All of this waiting had me in a constant state of stress. I am still waiting for some results and it seems there is quite a bit more coming up soon, but accepting that makes it ok somehow.
I definitely was not prepared for this, babies cost money..toddlers cost money, I had that just fine, but a child with special needs is a different story. Therapy, evaluations, equipment..a good deal of this isn't covered by insurance.
On the flip side..having an autistic child brings so much more than stress. I have never loved anyone like this. Of course, I love my son to death, but there is a different bond with her. Maybe it's from having so many scares in the past..remembering that I almost lost her. I just want everyday to be amazing for her..which is easy, she is a funny and happy little girl. I honestly have never seen anyone as happy as her, her eyes light up and it's pure joy. I guess some would say that would be part of what makes her "disabled", her highs are really high, but whatever..happy is happy.
and creepy is creepy

I set up a paypal with her bank account to try to help cover the costs of some upcoming appointments. I am going to make another post with a ton of clothing and costumes that will be for sale, but it's going to be a few days to sort through everything.
I do have some burlesque videos available for donations though...I am pretty sure I am done performing so this is a good way to catch an act that I did if you are curious.
if you want one let me know and i can give you her paypal info
I need to go...I feel like I could start rambling any second
a secret
I am obsessed with musicals..they totally de-stress me, it's all I listen to, my phone is filled with songs from Glee, Annie, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, Grease, Chicago..I could go on forever. What's your favorite musical? I really wish I could of seen The Evil Dead one or The Grey Gardens one..there has to be video of it somewhere.
xo..goodnight, I am going to go crawl under a heated blanket and finish Hello, Dolly
It's weird, this is the happiest and the most depressed/stressed that I have ever been in my life. Things have finally sunk in which is a good thing. For about two years it's been a lot of tests, evaluations, etc and just waiting, constantly waiting for someone to tell you the fate of your daughter. All of this waiting had me in a constant state of stress. I am still waiting for some results and it seems there is quite a bit more coming up soon, but accepting that makes it ok somehow.
I definitely was not prepared for this, babies cost money..toddlers cost money, I had that just fine, but a child with special needs is a different story. Therapy, evaluations, equipment..a good deal of this isn't covered by insurance.
On the flip side..having an autistic child brings so much more than stress. I have never loved anyone like this. Of course, I love my son to death, but there is a different bond with her. Maybe it's from having so many scares in the past..remembering that I almost lost her. I just want everyday to be amazing for her..which is easy, she is a funny and happy little girl. I honestly have never seen anyone as happy as her, her eyes light up and it's pure joy. I guess some would say that would be part of what makes her "disabled", her highs are really high, but whatever..happy is happy.
and creepy is creepy

I set up a paypal with her bank account to try to help cover the costs of some upcoming appointments. I am going to make another post with a ton of clothing and costumes that will be for sale, but it's going to be a few days to sort through everything.
I do have some burlesque videos available for donations though...I am pretty sure I am done performing so this is a good way to catch an act that I did if you are curious.
if you want one let me know and i can give you her paypal info

I need to go...I feel like I could start rambling any second
a secret
I am obsessed with musicals..they totally de-stress me, it's all I listen to, my phone is filled with songs from Glee, Annie, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, Grease, Chicago..I could go on forever. What's your favorite musical? I really wish I could of seen The Evil Dead one or The Grey Gardens one..there has to be video of it somewhere.
xo..goodnight, I am going to go crawl under a heated blanket and finish Hello, Dolly
I've come with wive it wealthily in Padua