seriously...I almost cried, and would of if I wasn't in a room full of people who don't like the show
yep..I am that fucking nerdy
tomorrow is
I would give a list of who is going to be there, but I honestly don't know anymore
throwing an event is like that sometimes
but, there are sure to be many lovely SG's..myself included
and I have been getting tons of people wanting to help out
Vitamin Water wants to sponsor the event
and a lot of local photographers want to document it as well
so..see you there
because my camera was stolen..I haven't been posting pics lately
sorry..but I have two photo shoots coming up that I know you'll love
so hang tight, kittens!
I owe you
to whoever bought me the curling iron
thank you so much!
there wasn't a name so I didn't know who sent it
but, I love it and it made my are awesome!
I hope your SG day went very well for you, was there quite a few people that attended?