I wish I had something to say. I wish I hadn't said that. If anyone reads this, please don't take me off your friends list because I'm unimaginative and dull.
Good christ! I am the Queen of Dull-land! All I ever fricken do is work!! If I was to attempt chat with anyone, the conversation would run out after this sentence: "Today I went to work by about 9:30. When I left, it was 6:00. I went home, barked orders at my son, ate and then slept".
I have no time to go out
But...I am getting my teeth bleached with my tax return and am going horse riding next weekend (Whoohooo! I get to pretend I'm in Pony Club!!)
Anyway, you are far from unimaginative and dull. Writing a book is a pretty exciting and inventive thing, I think
How could I take you off my friends list now!? That was way too emo and therefore interesting to let go of Geez, all I did in my last post was write a damn list and splash on some pictures.. and that turned out pretty interesting. Your picture didn't really work for me though, if you don't mind me saying so, maybe if you had a bigger square and a cross with sharper edges ... maybe some religious imagery? Stir the pot a bit. That picture does carry some parody on technological stuff-ups though.. how clever of you? (God now I'm the one that's gonna get removed..ha)
*EDIT* - when I first opened this page a minute ago, the picture was no more than a 'hasn't loaded properly' white square with a red cross. I'm leaving the previous paragraph on here now because it took me about ten minutes to write, even though now it comes up as an emo kid - which by the way, proves my first sentece *EDIT*
I'm in the choosing a design phase of getting a tattoo too
I hear ya, I keep walking into tattoo shops and just wandering around saying things like 'oh, how much would this cost.. oh interesting, I have that much, ... oh yeah, I'm just pricing..' when really I no idea what I want. I'll walk down the road and ask the next shop a completely differnent series of questions and make out as though I'm coming back the following week to get a grand's worth of ink done.. I just wish it was already done so I can be past this 'first one is forever' crap. At the moment I'm thinking about some spiritual/hippy design, full of nature and shit on my lower back, like a peace chakra. Ask me again next week though and I'll have gone back to the Massive Asian Dragon on my back Have you got any ideas?
I have no time to go out
But...I am getting my teeth bleached with my tax return and am going horse riding next weekend (Whoohooo! I get to pretend I'm in Pony Club!!)
Anyway, you are far from unimaginative and dull. Writing a book is a pretty exciting and inventive thing, I think
*EDIT* - when I first opened this page a minute ago, the picture was no more than a 'hasn't loaded properly' white square with a red cross. I'm leaving the previous paragraph on here now because it took me about ten minutes to write, even though now it comes up as an emo kid - which by the way, proves my first sentece
I'm in the choosing a design phase of getting a tattoo too
I hear ya, I keep walking into tattoo shops and just wandering around saying things like 'oh, how much would this cost.. oh interesting, I have that much, ... oh yeah, I'm just pricing..' when really I no idea what I want. I'll walk down the road and ask the next shop a completely differnent series of questions and make out as though I'm coming back the following week to get a grand's worth of ink done.. I just wish it was already done so I can be past this 'first one is forever' crap. At the moment I'm thinking about some spiritual/hippy design, full of nature and shit on my lower back, like a peace chakra. Ask me again next week though and I'll have gone back to the Massive Asian Dragon on my back