I had a great weekend and I still feel like shit. It just goes to show that you can have a job that pays decent, a hot girlfriend who loves you, a goal path that is challenging and creative, and a little time to party and you can still feel like a steaming pile of crap. Oh boohoo...poor me. I just need a little bit of a pity party. I just can't remember the last time that I was alone and not at work. My job entails driving a county truck 9 hours a day picking through stinky yeast/water filled with dead/half alive bugs. You must keep your mouth closed while you sift, so that a fly that at first appeared dead, but then turned out to be alive, doesn't shake the stink water off and then fly into your mouth. And I don't think I have to state, but I will anyway, that driving sucks. Most people have their heads up their asses while they drive, and it's impossible to check blind spots (or to see much of anything at all for that matter) while stuck in that position. I'm cut off, tail-gated, boxed in, stuck in traffic, not allowed to merge, stuck on dead streets behind the one person who constantly stops at every intersection for no reason, and I'm flipped off just because I have a job and drive a truck that obviously belongs to the government. Get me out of this crazy thing!!! I hate working for "The Man". I want my life back. I want to enjoy and appreciate all the things that matter to me. Oh, and did I mention that my job ain't on that list. Fuck 'em!!
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Wednesday Jan 24, 2007
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Love you girl!