I got the idea for this shoot while I was thinking about Jonestown mass murder/suicide. In Jonestown over 900 cult members were given a dose of poisoned kool-aid. This tragedy brought my mind to the saying, "don't drink the kool-aid", which is refering to the cult suicide and suggests that one shouldn't follow blindly.
With that said, I then began to contemplate the ills contained...
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With that said, I then began to contemplate the ills contained...
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sorry, hotdog images have gotten cut off...screwed for shooting horozontally. please right click to open in new window if your heart desires.
Such a long time without writing anything. I have been incredibly busy with work, friends, family, everything but my photography. Which is about to change, considering that I am going to add into a photo projects class at the local community college. But life has been moving rather quickly lately. just when I think that this is it, this is the path my life is...
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I am feeling so fucking down right now I could cry, punch a window, or kill myself. And since I have an appointment to get work done on my tattoo tommorrow I should pull it all together and just cry. Besides I know it's just PMS and my dissatisfaction in my current living situation. I have to get out of this town. I want to...
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With a name like Livermore, it has to be good.
You will not die in this place 'cause that means I will
(or at least be very sad because I had to leave without you before I did die in this place!)

(or at least be very sad because I had to leave without you before I did die in this place!)
I finally had more work done on my tattoo. Being sick for so long threw a terrible wrench into the whole process so the tat progress is lagging. I suck, but luckily my artist does not. I was taking pictures of the tat, trying out my new flash today, again I suck, but I will get the hang of my equipment soon enough. But here's...
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Now that's an interesting choice for an insect tattoo (the cicada you mentioned on my blog)...although you said it was symbolic...
I don't think it would be on my list, but maybe if I had a whole swarm of different insects on my back and arms, it would find a home in there somewhere... heh

I don't think it would be on my list, but maybe if I had a whole swarm of different insects on my back and arms, it would find a home in there somewhere... heh

oh wow that tattoo is amazing!! I just love the color and detail my capercorn friends would be envious
. I do have lots of the jewlery for sale ...I'm going to be putting some of it up for sale on my etsy shop tommarrow or the next day and I'll send you a link as soon as its up ^.^ Thanks so much

Okay, not that anyone really reads my blogs...just the handful of yous out there but here is my shameless plugging. Please, if you have any soul, check out my online store at makeascene
nevermind...for the life of me I can't figure out how to post a video to my blog. Anni<---not a computer scientist.
Yesterday was my birthday... I just didn't think much of it really. I turned 26 ( my Dad loves to point out how I am not working on my second quarter century) and I thought it to be fairly uneventful. I didn't want a big party...I didn't want to go out...I was so sick recently, and am still recovering a bit, that I just wanted...
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Uh-huh, I know I rock!

Uh-huh, I know I rock!

you and Joliefly13 are in livermore? So close to me! Lets get lunch sometime or something.
Took Gramps to the doctor today...and getting old is a bitch. Just a lil' quick background. The Pops is senile. He lives in an assisted living facility ( and I don't recommend it). So I arrive around 10:30 am and he is in the dark laying in bed...fully dressed. I asked for assistance from a woman working at the facility, just to help me get...
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My jaw was practically on floor reading this entry..unbelievable..How terribly depressing and wrong on so many levels. I find Pulp's "Help The Aged" ringing in my head now.
ooooh boy don't I know what that is like.
Although my ma is a pain in the ass, it's still good to have her at home instead of that gawddamn nursing "institution"...
Although my ma is a pain in the ass, it's still good to have her at home instead of that gawddamn nursing "institution"...