Ooohhh, random update time.
1.) I live in Fort Myers now (yaaayyyy boredom).
2.) I have a new pet (a baby ball pythong named Tiamat.
3.) My new job pays me craploads of money for doing a lot less work.
4.) Umm, I'm tired of listing things.
Everything is going extremely well and almost according to plan.
Oh, and I need to say it...
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Yesterday was incredibly spiffy. It started off with lunch with The Kellie. We ate at this yummy seafood resturant down on Fort Myers Beach. Some random males bought us drinks which is always nice. During lunch we decided we had nothing better to do so we made plans to go get tattoos then go to Babes. First place we went to they were able to...
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Sounds like you had a busy weekend.
justin wants to be busy... frown
Oh shizzy, I made it to Fort Myers. Alive. Things looked bleak for a while there. Stupid two lane highways with crappy drivers. Oddly enough, I feel safer on five lane highways.
Ughhh, The Picture Show is so addicting.
Work hates me. And I hate it. Especially the rich snobs.
Tonight better be good. Complete with darts. I'm going to go rummage for some form...
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have fun rummaging! biggrin