By some miracle I've managed to land ass backwards in my final year of study!
Woot! Only 9 months until I get to pretend to be a real grown up, with a real job, and real bills...wait, why am i excited again? :s In all seriousness I am looking forward to leaving my student days behind, im sure the novelty of the working world will wear off entirely too quickly- but after 6 years of univerity life im ready to get out.
Im kicking off the year in trauma and orthopaedics, with surgeons commonly known as the carpenters/meatheads/jocks of the surgical world- and I love it. Any theatre where all you instrument trays appear to have been filled from the shelves of Wickes has just got to be fun. Plus the consultants are hilarious; never before have I heard someone reffer to a DNR order as a "Kill/No kill form", or offer "I will bash that" as a management plan for an 80 year old with a broken femur (I'm assuming he was refering to the femur, not the patient...).
I have already stumbled across one major hurdle for the year- verticality. I have developed a worrying habit of flaking out or fainting when scrubbed in (not good given my surgical leanings on the career front). At least this time I managed not to desterilise anything (including myself) on my way to the floor
You'll have to take my word for it- but im not usually the fainty type. I dont get grossed out by much (lobsters and eyes are the exceptions), Insides to me are more beautiful than horrific, and Ive managed to stand perfectly still on parades for hours without batting an eyelid in the past.
Im not sure what's causing it- but i need to get it sorted before the scrub nurses start banning me from theatre....Maybe I could rig up some kind of pully system attatched to my hair...To the scheme-atorium!
Woot! Only 9 months until I get to pretend to be a real grown up, with a real job, and real bills...wait, why am i excited again? :s In all seriousness I am looking forward to leaving my student days behind, im sure the novelty of the working world will wear off entirely too quickly- but after 6 years of univerity life im ready to get out.
Im kicking off the year in trauma and orthopaedics, with surgeons commonly known as the carpenters/meatheads/jocks of the surgical world- and I love it. Any theatre where all you instrument trays appear to have been filled from the shelves of Wickes has just got to be fun. Plus the consultants are hilarious; never before have I heard someone reffer to a DNR order as a "Kill/No kill form", or offer "I will bash that" as a management plan for an 80 year old with a broken femur (I'm assuming he was refering to the femur, not the patient...).
I have already stumbled across one major hurdle for the year- verticality. I have developed a worrying habit of flaking out or fainting when scrubbed in (not good given my surgical leanings on the career front). At least this time I managed not to desterilise anything (including myself) on my way to the floor

Im not sure what's causing it- but i need to get it sorted before the scrub nurses start banning me from theatre....Maybe I could rig up some kind of pully system attatched to my hair...To the scheme-atorium!