God damn I suck at blogging.
Id like to pretend this is because i have so much going on in my little life that I just dont have the time to chronicle all my adventures. This would be a blatant lie however.
Thanks to all those who posted encouraging comments on my last update- im glad to say i have successfully stuck at least a good dozen people now without causing haematomas/tears/lawsuits/death....
Spent the last few months on a paediatrics rotation in a local childrens hospital, and have discovered (after years of reiterating how much i hate kids) that theyre actually pretty fun (when you can hand them back to the parents after an hour). My friends think ive been kidnapped and replaced by a pod person, im usually the one they can rely on for generalised misanthropy and a low tolerance for touchy feely bullshit.
In a short space of time ive gone from avoiding anything shorter than me like the plague to honestly considering paediatrics as a viable career pathway....Hey, how many other jobs are there out there where acting like a 12 year old, having an office full of toys, and having an in depth knowledge of comic book characters are part of the job description?
Also- theyre pretty funny; case and point one history taken from a 6 year old admitted following an acute asthma attack:
James: So A___, youve had this asthma since you were 3. Do you find it stops you doing anything that you'd like to do?
A____: Yes
James: And whats that sweetheart?
A_____: Breathing *bats massive eyelashes*
Right, im off to wash the stench of personal growth and maturity off'a me...
'Night world x
Id like to pretend this is because i have so much going on in my little life that I just dont have the time to chronicle all my adventures. This would be a blatant lie however.
Thanks to all those who posted encouraging comments on my last update- im glad to say i have successfully stuck at least a good dozen people now without causing haematomas/tears/lawsuits/death....
Spent the last few months on a paediatrics rotation in a local childrens hospital, and have discovered (after years of reiterating how much i hate kids) that theyre actually pretty fun (when you can hand them back to the parents after an hour). My friends think ive been kidnapped and replaced by a pod person, im usually the one they can rely on for generalised misanthropy and a low tolerance for touchy feely bullshit.
In a short space of time ive gone from avoiding anything shorter than me like the plague to honestly considering paediatrics as a viable career pathway....Hey, how many other jobs are there out there where acting like a 12 year old, having an office full of toys, and having an in depth knowledge of comic book characters are part of the job description?
Also- theyre pretty funny; case and point one history taken from a 6 year old admitted following an acute asthma attack:
James: So A___, youve had this asthma since you were 3. Do you find it stops you doing anything that you'd like to do?
A____: Yes
James: And whats that sweetheart?
A_____: Breathing *bats massive eyelashes*
Right, im off to wash the stench of personal growth and maturity off'a me...
'Night world x
I'm not the best either!