Right, couldn't be more bored of England, if it wasn't for the end of the world weather i'm pretty sure id have turned to stone out of sheer boredom about a week ago. You know the situations getting pretty dire when watching an episode of top gear that isn't a repeat is the highlight of your day
I havent even got work to go to, which, i'm realising now, isn't as great as it seems since i'm currently ridiculously overdrawn.
Still luckily enough i won't be here much longer...tommorow im flying to southern Spain, where i fully intend to prop myself up under a tree with a stack of books, a bottle of whisky, and a do not disturb 'til next week sign.
Here's hoping the job situations looking a little brighter by the time im back :S ...
Adios buds xx

Still luckily enough i won't be here much longer...tommorow im flying to southern Spain, where i fully intend to prop myself up under a tree with a stack of books, a bottle of whisky, and a do not disturb 'til next week sign.
Here's hoping the job situations looking a little brighter by the time im back :S ...
Adios buds xx