I've been feeling pretty good lately. Actually especially since this anonymous asshole posted on my livejournal. I posted this thing with these horrible pictures of myself [I was bloated--had been drinking soda + alcohol all morning and was on my period] saying how gross I am, etcetc. Basically I was feeling sorry for myself. Whoever it was posted something like "omg, I thought those were photoshopped! you really do need to lose weight--you look like a manatee" and now, instead of feeling sorry for myself I feel righteous. I feel like I have every reason to be confident--because I do. I'm beautiful, I've always known that much, and I don't need to be as thin as a rail to exist properly. I'm still trying to eat healthily, though. And damn am I thirsty right now. And I think I have cat hair in my throat. ew. what the fuck. Speaking of my cat--I think the poor baby has fleas. I itch like crazy every time I touch her, and as far as I know I'm not allergic to cats...or at least I havn't been for the past 19, almost 20 years.
hrm. oh well. I should go to bed.
hrm. oh well. I should go to bed.