LOVING this new layout shit goin' down here. However, I thought I deleted this. Because, hey, guess what I don't have? MONEY. Well now that I got my paycheck I do, but that shit's not in the bank. :-/ I guess we'll see. Being home all day in this small house that is not my home, with a giant fridge full of shit is making gaining weight really easy. Good thing that's my goal.
uuugh, it's really gross, but my throat has been hurting me lately. Which meeeeans drinking a whole lot of water all the time. Whiiiich is really great for not eating everything in sight because I have a mouth problem--I apparently need to occupy it all the time. Boredum=fridge. Well not anymore. Hello eating ice, hello drinking water. I'm going to be the best hidrated girly on the block.
Oh also I got my labret pierced! yaaay! It's wonderful. and my mother hates it--the faces she makes sometimes are so irritating. oi. whatevs.
okay, maybe I go to bed now? [not likely]
Have a good night!
uuugh, it's really gross, but my throat has been hurting me lately. Which meeeeans drinking a whole lot of water all the time. Whiiiich is really great for not eating everything in sight because I have a mouth problem--I apparently need to occupy it all the time. Boredum=fridge. Well not anymore. Hello eating ice, hello drinking water. I'm going to be the best hidrated girly on the block.

Oh also I got my labret pierced! yaaay! It's wonderful. and my mother hates it--the faces she makes sometimes are so irritating. oi. whatevs.
okay, maybe I go to bed now? [not likely]
Have a good night!
psst... come visit me in boston!