Any of you lil' punks wanna roll with me?!

Well, it's been about five days, since we moved into our new digs in the city. I must say it feels refreshing. The negative atmosphere from our previous residence is long gone now and hasn't even had a chance to linger in my head. It's strange actually. After living in Vegas for 2 years and allowing some people to live with us, I suppose the rancid aftertaste of surrounding ourselves with shitheads has long subsided. I don't feel it anymore, and I think I'll be happy with that.
My partner in crime for life, Tigerblood, sang his ass off at the El Rio show this passed Saturday. I'm not gonna lie. Given the line-up (80's metal cover band and a KISS tribute band), I wasn't sure if there would even be a crowd for the horror punk playing in between. There was, and they fucking loved it. I forgot what it felt like to be up front amongst a crowd of people at a show (considering the fact that almost every Plan 9 show I have been to, I was always working the merch table). I had a blast, singing along and screaming like a 15 year old wannabe-groupie. haha Good times.
I just stepped outside onto our front balcony, and the weather is gorgeous. I underestimated living in the Inner Sunset. I imagined it would always be cold and muggy. But the sun is indeed shining, and I want to take my kids (my 2 tea cup chihuahuas) out for a midday stroll at the park. See you cats latah!

Well, it's been about five days, since we moved into our new digs in the city. I must say it feels refreshing. The negative atmosphere from our previous residence is long gone now and hasn't even had a chance to linger in my head. It's strange actually. After living in Vegas for 2 years and allowing some people to live with us, I suppose the rancid aftertaste of surrounding ourselves with shitheads has long subsided. I don't feel it anymore, and I think I'll be happy with that.
My partner in crime for life, Tigerblood, sang his ass off at the El Rio show this passed Saturday. I'm not gonna lie. Given the line-up (80's metal cover band and a KISS tribute band), I wasn't sure if there would even be a crowd for the horror punk playing in between. There was, and they fucking loved it. I forgot what it felt like to be up front amongst a crowd of people at a show (considering the fact that almost every Plan 9 show I have been to, I was always working the merch table). I had a blast, singing along and screaming like a 15 year old wannabe-groupie. haha Good times.
I just stepped outside onto our front balcony, and the weather is gorgeous. I underestimated living in the Inner Sunset. I imagined it would always be cold and muggy. But the sun is indeed shining, and I want to take my kids (my 2 tea cup chihuahuas) out for a midday stroll at the park. See you cats latah!
Not knowing your habits and all, I'll assume you're 15 days behind since you just found out about it. GET YO' TACTILE STIMULATION ON! and fast! haha