Hey...i'm home way too early on a Saturday night but im just not in the mood to be at a party tonight. I want to lay around and watch movies with my little cousins and share a glass of wine with my aunt. I need a break from the partying considering i've been stoned for 3 days straight. Thursday my best friend and i smoked ourselves stupid on the way to the beach. We just blasted The Beatles put the windows down and drove. The water was way too cold but we still had a good time. Last night i got totally stoned again and attempted to read a book and watch Sponge Bob square pants. Today i smoked a bowl with my buddy Alexis and watched Stranger than Fiction. It's a good movie. So yea been really mellowed out. The only thing that sux is that i cant stop having dreams about my x. It's driving me crazy. Hope all of u guys are having a great weekend.
Hey Annie, im not in town at the moment, but when i get back to Boca.. we should get together if you want
I Have a Car lol