Does anyone else suffer from this? I have tried everything from Melantonin, to counting sheep, listening to nature noises, using lavender oil, sleeping pills, none of it works. Why does it curse me every night? I stay up for hours upon hours working, going to school, parenting, you think all this would tire a person out to the point of exhaustion, but no. Here I am awake pondering every god damn thing possible in the world from "What do I have to do tomorrow?" to creating hypothesis' for curing cancer. SERIOUSLY WHO THE HELL THINKS ABOUT A CANCER VACCINATION AT 2AM BETWEEN THOUGHTS OF "WHAT SHOULD I MAKE FOR BREAKFAST?" AND "DID I FEED THE CAT?". An insane person in medical school, that's who. If anyone has any tips or pointers on relaxing or falling asleep and staying asleep, please comment below. As for now I am off to the bedroom to stare at those walls for the rest of the night. Until next time boys and ghouls, this is Annette Anarchy signing off.