Hola mis amores .
Lo siento por no estar activo más .Tengo algunos problemas familiares que me preocupa. Voy a volver a colgar de las cosas. Estoy intentando con todas mis fuerzas para estar activo aquí .😚😘
To begin this blog Id have to go back to where I left off, November 2013. During this time I was in the beginning stages of my health issues. Having really no idea that I was going to face a year battling Cervical Cancer. But let's flash forward to August 12th 2014 real quick.. That was the day I got the clear from my Doctor...
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In this dream I had last night a former SG told me to "Get to blogging. That my story is worth telling."
So.. No more procrastinating from me.. I'm determined to set aside some time. So later on tonight when I get out of work I am going to write a three part blog about what I have been going through since I left this...
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