Things are the way they are. Cant change everything, just try to hold on to the memories and people you care about. Being alone can be peaceful but so boring.. bring on the noise of a crowd and have some fun. easier said then done i spose.
I don't write very often never really have much change in my life, like i'm bound by a constant pattern. I try to change the way things are and find im just following the same pattern anyways that I've come to hate but cant seam to get away from. constantly I think about the things id like to have happen like a dream even tho...
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OmG vacation! woo so nice actually able to enjoy the sun ...somewhat yeah still spending most of it inside but i went swimming! first for summer YaY!

so much stuff to do or not to do yeah not to do sounds easier think ill do that. and yes im happy but tired holy fricken tired trying to change shift around from nights to days to...
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Update this shit! lol

And make a DK on my server (Korgath) biggrin
no motivation! im not e-skanking anymore haha

yeah... quitting wow didnt really happen. i quit for awhile and i play maybe an hour a day now... my hunter is up to lvl 68... at this rate, next year i'll have an 80 lol
I so hate fricken winter damn just started my vacation Saturday... lost power Friday morning didn't get power back till just a bit earlier today 2 1/2 days of no power i mean i actually ended up reading a whole nother book ;p doesn't happen very often any more was good book tho Dean Koontz "The Voice of the Night." I'm just glad power is...
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happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear tristan,
happy birthday to you!

Jeez... Someone needs to update!
I'm not a big blogger don't tend to say anything unless i got something to say. Days come days go mostly the same things happening always seam to get stuck in life cycles nice in some ways damn well blows in others.

as for whats up doing fairly well still going hard with World of Warcraft wink nothing like killing stuff with friends from all over...
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World of Warcraft? Geek. tongue lol Ive never played before, but it seems like a game Id be into...
smile thanks.

I added you on yahoo, by the way.
Got tired of New Hampshire and doing the same stuff every damn day...so i moved back to Maine... and doing slightly diffrent stuff but happier then before lots more people to actually do stuff with of old and new.

and to who ever writes the comments for the new profile pages I kinda like it smile s o ill leave it as is i like to...
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been quite awhile since i updated so guess i will for those that might look.

is a new year which means work is a pain in the ass bosses complaining about every lil thing that could go wrong. getting kinda sick of it prolly going to quit the job soon enough hate it anyways know its bad when its hard to wake up to go...
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Long nights, short days, dreary weather. cant ask for a whole lot more then that smile personally love cloudy or rainy days for it helps with sleeping and the last week or so has definatly been good for that. been rather sick for last few days tho frown so just been cooped up in ones room. hope you all are haveing much better weeks tho.
Happy birthday, Sir.

That sucks! Everyone forgot my birthday this year, so..yeah. I know whatcha mean...

Glad I could brighten your day, though!

Doubt i was missed much for im relatively quiet but i am back again. I'm sure i missed some outstanding sets as i was away finally got a pic up for my profile not used to takeing photos of myself or any at all one of the few of me in about 4 years now.
Welcome back. smile
My older bro just got home for a week n half before he is shipped out so spending most of time with him. I'm getting digi cam soon so will have pic of me up when i can biggrin
had a wonderful birthday didn't really do a whole lot but sometimes that is the greatest thing in the world to just beable to relax and forget about everything going on around you for a week. for those that said happy birthday to me

kiss kiss thank you very much smile
thankyou smile and happy late birthday smile