Hello everyone! I'm sorry i'm not being very active on the site, i'm been kinda busy. It's exams period, so i'm pretty much CRAZY.
In any case, i'll try to answer to ALL your messages (they are a few...) and to the users who's been asking for my birthday and such, it's July 27th. Next week! I'll be a 22 year old weirdo.
And a few asked me to make a wishlist so they can send me something for my birthday. If you guys do this it would be SO MUCH AWESOME. I never get presents for my birthday, cause it's at the end of the month, and things like that. But in anycase, with a happy birthday will be awesome :)
But here's the wishlist for those who asked amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1H2LBDTMUZSMU/ref=cm_wl_sortbar_v_page_1
I promise to send prints as a thank for the ones who actually send me something :)