(Yeah, totally non related gif)

Good evening Sg World! Well, i suck at advising... I truly do! But i have a few quotes, that are like life motto to me.
1. "When will these delicate bodies fully understand that they are not merely the artists, but more so the art?" (By Christopher Poindexter)
I have this quote tattooed on my arm. And it's placed there because of how motivated makes me feel. I'm a cinema student, and and chef student, i'm a model and i paint, and i'm a dancer, and i write, like a lot. All forms of creativity and expression. All attempts to become art. All my life i've been struggling with self-esteem issues and my mental issues (i've already talk about this before). To me, reading once in a while this phrase, brings a smile on my face. It reminds me that art it's made of souls and humans. But art it's not a man-made trait. It's the humanity inside him. It's the eye that catches the sun making love with the horizon, but not the twilight itself. The art resides inside us. We are all art.
2. "Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder"
Well. This explains it for itself.
And last, but not least...
3. "Never get too attached to something that isn't yours"
This also, it's self explained. It works in every aspect of life. And it's something that i've learn not so long ago, and i keep in mind everytime i'm getting to close to something/someone.
I hope this "adivising" of mine works for someone out there.
~Bye guys!