Hi everyone!

How are you all? I'm sorry i haven't been online lately, Uni is killing me! I don't have a life anymore...
But i all end's up this friday, i have the final exam of the semester (IF EVERYTHINGS IS OK WITH IT), i'm feeling optimistic. I worked on a photoshot two weeks ago for a bellydance clothing line, call "Nile Queens" you should check it out

Btw, i'm a professional bellydancer. I think i never told you guys that... But i've been dancing since i'm 3 years old (My grandpa was from Morocco). There's anything you all beeing doing since you're so little? I love to hear about people's passions in life. It's inspiring
I prooomise to be up more often at winter's break
With new photos i hope
Meanwhile, my friend Hannah (I already told you guys about her, it's the badass redhead with HUUUUGE boobs) took some pics of me, and here they are

How are you all? I'm sorry i haven't been online lately, Uni is killing me! I don't have a life anymore...

But i all end's up this friday, i have the final exam of the semester (IF EVERYTHINGS IS OK WITH IT), i'm feeling optimistic. I worked on a photoshot two weeks ago for a bellydance clothing line, call "Nile Queens" you should check it out

Btw, i'm a professional bellydancer. I think i never told you guys that... But i've been dancing since i'm 3 years old (My grandpa was from Morocco). There's anything you all beeing doing since you're so little? I love to hear about people's passions in life. It's inspiring

I prooomise to be up more often at winter's break

With new photos i hope

Meanwhile, my friend Hannah (I already told you guys about her, it's the badass redhead with HUUUUGE boobs) took some pics of me, and here they are

There's an Annatole fan page on Facebook, you guys should check it out for more regular updates!
Annatole on FB!
And that's pretty much all for today folks
saluditos y un poquito de e-amor