So, I went to MegaCon this year with BoardInker and his bevy of beautiful babes, including Neptune, Lua, Vivid, and cosplayer extraodinaire Envy Us! It was such a great pleasure to meet Neptune and Lua for the first time, and I love Viv to death. It is always makes my heart go pitter patter to see her! *swoon* Hopefully I get to see all of these awesome ladies again soon!
So, never mind the missing monocle, because that wig is the devil, but I unveiled my NoFlutter Claptrap cosplay at MegaCon. NoFlutter actually came by the booth and took selfies with us. It made my little robot heart swell with pride to hear that she liked my Claptrap!
Also, dream come true! I had no idea who was going to be at MegaCon, but I'm a HUGE Boondock Saints fan, and the entire major playing cast was there! Norman Reedus' line was over 3 hours long (not to mention $80 an autograph), so that was an autograph I did not get. Luckily, Sean Patrick Flanery, David De La Rocco, and Clifton Collins Jr were happy to oblige! I may or may not have even gotten to go on a mini-date with Sean while we were in town together. Yep. Dream come true. We fucked with drunk people at the bar and tried hook up his thirsty fan girls with desperate guys hanging around trying to pick up on them while they tried (very hard) to hit on Sean. Clifton was there, even Norman Reedus came down and said 'hey.' I have to admit, it was a blast. I wish my anxiety had allowed me to hang out longer, lol. But yeah. That happened. *checks off bucket list*
In case you're wondering what I was, I was a Magikarp. A beautiful, strong Magikarp who don't need no Pokeball! Thank you so much to Neptune for saving the day by letting me borrow it! I will likely shoot some fun stuff in it as well. Oh happy day! Oh, yeah, speaking of Pokeballs... look what pieces I got my hands on courtesy of Empire Glassworks when I was Vegas a couple months back!
Anyways, yeah, obligatory "My set 'Hot Donna' shot by Sunshine is still in MR" (and likely always will be). Don't be shy, go check out our hard work! CLICK HERE ♥
Anyways, I love you guys.Feel free to check me out on my other methods of various social media:
Twitter - @Oh_Annsthesia (I just joined)
Facebook - /AboutAnnasthesia/
Instagram - @AnnasthesiaSG
Love and creme puffs, you crazy kids. ♥