So @sunshine and I's set, 'Hot Donna,' is only 4 ♥'s away from having 2000 ♥'s! I think this is probably my most successful set in MR right now, if not the most successful solo set I've ever put out! And yet, here it lies, still in MR :( Honestly, I'm just thrilled with all of the love it has received! I can't thank you all enough! If you haven't seen it yet, you can find it: HERE! I sincerely hope to one day see this on the front page, Sunshine and I worked so hard on this set! Fun fact: the head shop we shot this is at is actually my job! The more you know!
Here's hoping I will have more coming up, down the road. @cdo and I shot a set while I was in Vegas last summer and, with any luck, I'll get the pleasure of shooting with him some more while I'm in Vegas next week! I'm trying not to get too down on myself. I haven't had a set see the front page in literally years. Maybe I should just take the hint, already? I don't know. We'll see ♥