I love @missy & @rambo's blog suggestion for this week: 10 random facts about yourself. I've had a blast reading everyone's so far!
I have no idea what I'm going to write, I'm just let this come out as I go. Here goes nothin'...
1.) I'm adopted. Since I was 2 days old, my adopted family is all I've ever known. Until this year, when I did so looking online with my boss and actually found my birth mother. She lives in town, very near my work. She has no idea I know. I haven't gotten the nerve to go meet her yet.
2.) I have diagnosed Aspergers syndrome. Yes, I really am that weird girl. I think the best question I've ever gotten asked, upon someone finding out, was "So, wait, if I drop a bunch of toothpicks on the ground, you can, like, count them super fast?" .. Man, I wish!
3.) There was a lot of emphasis on keeping moving when I was young. Growing up I played t-ball for 3 years, did gymnastics for 4 years, dance (ballet, jazz, tap) for 6 years, swimming for two years, and soccer for a cumulative 10 years.
4.) I went to private school for 12 years ( k - 11) and only spent one year in public school. I was miserable and lonely in private school. That one year was probably one of the best, socially, of my entire adolescence.
5.) Growing up, my ultimate dream was to be a professional wrestler in the WWF (now WWE). Lita was my role model and my walls were covered in wrestling magazine tear outs. I even wrote a paper on how I'd grow up and be a wrestler in the 9th grade. I got an 98/100, lol.
6.) My 'dream' now is to go back to school and get my doctorate in forensic pathology or behavioral psychology.
7.) I watch/listen Netflix a lot. I like that sound of people talking more than music when it comes to what I use to drown out long silences on car rides or while doing house work and such. I don't even know why,
8.) I worked in phone sex for several years. There's just something not too shabby about working from home in your pj's and making your own hours, while playing Pokemon and Borderlands and sitting in the old SG chat. I know, I can't believe it's still a thing either.
9.) I have dermatophagia.
10.) This is going to seem like a cop out, but #10 is that this website, for me, is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Aside from my family, whom I love more than anything, I wouldn't be where I am right now if it weren't for chasing my dreams here on SG. Some of my absolute best memories, one's I'll remember for the rest of my life, can be directly attributed to the people I've met on here and the opportunities I've taken in the hopes of following this crazy dream and experiencing it with all of you. It's pretty fucking cool. Thank you guys for doing this with me.
So, yeah, I hope this has been informative. And fun? Hmm. Questions, comments, concerns? Yes! You in the back...