I just realized something about my freckles. Just now. I was editing this photo when I saw the distinct arc of freckles around my forehead.
For years, as a teenager, I wore a lot of foundation/concealer around the base of my eyebrows and around my chin. Not the top of my forehead, nose, upper lip, or cheeks. I didn't need to. I didn't usually get acne around my hairline or on my cheeks when I was younger, so no need to slather makeup there. Specifically, the SPF enforced makeup I've worn for almost a decade.
I've always tanned and freckled easily(I'm roughly 50% Native American and 50% Irish), though I've never much tried to do either on purpose.
It's funny to see how much effect SPF can have on your skin. Makes me wonder what I would have looked like If I had worn a lot of make up? Or none at all?