Sorry my extreme absence from the site lately. I appreciate everyone's love and concern, I've just really been having a hard time with this last leg of the pregnancy.
Some small updates;
The false labor on sunday left me reeling. I had contractions for over 10 hours but nothing came of it. Ever since then I have been miserable and crying every day. I went to the doctor yesterday begging for induction. She said there's nothing she can do now but she did set an induction date for the 29th, so if Miss Raegan doesn't pack her shit up and move out by then, that'll be the day.
Other than the incessant crying everyday and hating my life, to perk things up Lucas bought me a kitten We got her from the humane society, named her Gidget. Neediest little thing I've ever seen, it's adorable. She's just shy of 4 months old and isn't happy unless she's sleeping directly on my chest, or my bump.
Some small updates;
The false labor on sunday left me reeling. I had contractions for over 10 hours but nothing came of it. Ever since then I have been miserable and crying every day. I went to the doctor yesterday begging for induction. She said there's nothing she can do now but she did set an induction date for the 29th, so if Miss Raegan doesn't pack her shit up and move out by then, that'll be the day.
Other than the incessant crying everyday and hating my life, to perk things up Lucas bought me a kitten We got her from the humane society, named her Gidget. Neediest little thing I've ever seen, it's adorable. She's just shy of 4 months old and isn't happy unless she's sleeping directly on my chest, or my bump.
Anyways, other than all that, I'll be trying to respond to messages and everything the best I can over the next couple days. Thanks for everyone keeping me positive and all that. Much love ♥
Congrats in that case honey