SG Set
by milloux
SG Set
by sobelle
May 28th! Can you guess how o̶l̶d̶ young I'm going to be? 😘
💖Photo courtesy of @Sunshine ( aka 420 Pinups )
P.S. I'm trying to post about the amazing SG Blackheart Burlesque show I was lucky enough to attend in my hometown here in FL, but I can't seem to get the photos/videos to upload. I'll try again later in a new blog!
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I may have quit smoking (cigarettes) over 6 years ago, but I adore this 50's inspired photo by Christian Saint! ♥ We were on set for my Inked Magazine shoot last year, and was waiting for the other model involved to finish prepping, so we decided to take a few shots while my hair was still pinned up for curing. I normally never take shots...
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Hey there guys. I wanted to apologize for not posting and updating my blog. I've had so much going on these past few months, it's been hard to keep up on everything. But here I am! And here you are are! So let's do this!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and a prosperous new year!
For those of you that follow me
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I just got back from my first trip to Cali 2 weeks ago! I can't believe I got the pleasure of hanging out with @TheLabRat while I was out there! He helped me be the very best, like no one ever was!! I can't wait to show you guys the amazing photos @TheLabRat took! Keep your eyes peeled, we're hoping to submit for MR as...
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I'm so excited to leave for L.A. (for the first time) tomorrow! I'm really excited to collaborate and shoot with the amazing @TheLabRat and stunning @Milloux while I'm out there! I also can't wait to sample this amazing west-coast greenery I keep hearing so much about ;) I have nothing set in stone, so I'm just going to jump in head first and hope for
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I'll only be in town for a week, but does anyone have any recommendations on places I should go? Things I should see?? :3
I'm so excited to finally be able to come out to LA! I want to see and do as much as possible! I'd love to try and visit the SG HQ if they're open to it, but have no idea who
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Why can't it be Halloween all year long? I'm ready to start horror move marathon-ing! Every October I watch a new horror movie every day of the month. Does anyone have any recommendations? I should warn you, I've seen A LOT of horror movies! But any suggestions would...
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I have to say, this photo set @Lady and I shot is easily one of my favorite things I've ever been given the opportunity to shoot! Click here to check it out!! Right now it has over 2200+ ♥'s and 450+ comments!! ~ I couldn't be happier or more proud of how this set came out. And I can't thank all of you enough for...
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I wanted to thank all of you for your support on @Lady & I's latest set "Vixen" which came out last month! I've never been as proud of a set as I am of this one, and it makes me feel so good to see just how much feedback this set has received!
If you haven't seen it yet, you can see it here!...
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