have you ever driven somewhere, gotten there and totally dont remember the trip there? so freaking dangerous but my mind is going in 50 million directions and i am still exhausted from not enough continuous sleep last night.
my ex called me last night to see if he could change my mind and i would come see his friend dj and him play his synth at fat cats. poor thing all of his friends are under 21 including his girlfriend. needless to say i did not go.
i did my least favorite activity for any cat owner, cleaning the litter box. its hard to believe 1 cat and 1 kitten can produce so much excrement. and of course as soon as you clean it out, one of them has to jump in there and take a big dump. bastards
my ex called me last night to see if he could change my mind and i would come see his friend dj and him play his synth at fat cats. poor thing all of his friends are under 21 including his girlfriend. needless to say i did not go.
i did my least favorite activity for any cat owner, cleaning the litter box. its hard to believe 1 cat and 1 kitten can produce so much excrement. and of course as soon as you clean it out, one of them has to jump in there and take a big dump. bastards
Be careful with the tiredness and driving. Best to perk yourself up with a bottle of whisky before you leave the house..