me and my gf cali r lookin 4 a ride to LA to go to this fest but we cant find one 4 the longest time!...so on the day of the show we decide to pay her cousin 200$ to take us, literally last minute! her cousin is a female who drives a COP CAR! she got it for 2000$ at an auction! real athentic cop car, with a rail int he front and the police sticker, peeled off but still visible on the side!..we have a fun ride there. bouncing around in the car and listening to our techno music.my gf cali even flashed sum gangsta cholos on the freeway to LA haha i couldnt stop laughing!

we arrive to the Forum (venue the event was held in) and we r right on time.we popped our white transformer pokeball pill about 10 befor arriving...its about 8:15 the show starts at 9:30...we wait in line to get our online tickets printed out n then to enter the venue. whil waiting inline, i start to roll! and by roll i mean, feel fuckin amazing!i cant see straight and my eyes are rolling and going crossed and all weird ways...my gf cali is on the same level as me...
we meet sum girl names Tara, shes dressed as a kitty kat..shes so cute n nice and she cuts us up to the head of the line! woohoo...we get our tickets from the internet purchaser line . cali sez to the lady ,"should we keep these reciepts n ticket stubs?" the lady replys," oh i dunno, but i would!" so we stick em in our boots. along with our cell phones in our boots, our lipgloss and our money! haha
we didnt pack any bags. we plan on goin to the rave n leaving right after to catch a plane back to vegas!

we r dressed in matching outfits...beleive it or not, those glitterry shiney raver looking tops came from BEBE! haha they reminded us of megicians, so we decided to take the magician theme all the way to the next level! we MADE AND SEWED our own lil bow ties, our own skirts, and layed 2 stocking together to make em black and white and wore fuzzy boots with it! we were magician ravers, for our first trick, watch us make these E pills dissappear...VOILA!

we see sum ugly girls wearing our shirts to our outfits, wich sucked and bummed us out, but those bitches didnt have the accesorries to go with it. so watever
we get inside and right intime 4 my FAV ever CRYSTAL CASTLES!!!!
they are amazing as they are eveytime i see them! they put on an amazing strop light show to get u all fucked up! i love it

crystal castles finish up their set wich was suprisingly fast, about 20 min and then its CHROMEO up next! chromeos up and lights r flashing and his stage set up looks amazing! me n my gf take 1 more E pill this time a purple alien, that we bought from the guy infront of us. and we r rolling so hard now! i mean even harder than befor, we are dancing and dancing and i need to just sit down for a moment and collect myself becaus i am breathing a little hard right now. my friends standing up with her arms laying on top of her head and sighing alot and taking deep breaths with a permanent smile on.

Chromeos set above ^

the crowd was massive..hence party MASSIVE, rave, dance party
chromeo plays a song that im not that into, definetly not on of his best songs, just to begin with, then his second song starts, and all of a sudden stops! Im really high right now and im kinda confused...a man steps on stage and grabs the microphone, then says," OK EVERYONE, PLEASE LISTEN UP, IF YOU DONT STOP JUMPING OVER THE RAIL TO THE BOTTOM DANCE FLOOR WE R GOING TO HAVE TO END THE SHOW" people are still jumping and bombarding security to get down to the dance floor.
me personally im happy just to be there and even if i have to sit in the bleachers and dance in the bleachers, im a happy girl<3
the security then procedes to move the bleachers seats back 5 rows and tape it off that way nooone can reach the rail to hop over!

its been like an hour now and the 5 rows r cleared and taped off, the guy on the microfone is talking and tellin every to calm down still or we wont haave a show! we as the crowd are 90% cooperating so i think the shows gonna go on any second now! i watch Chromeo walk off the stage. all of a sudden i hear SIRENs and firetrucks...WTF NOOOOOOOOO!

the lights flip on, its bright as hell! everys booing and the riot police walk in...they line up against thousands of pissed off confused E pilled out fans....

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the crowd threw a few cups at the police and taunted them, as the bleachers crowd chanted REFUND REFUND and THIS IS BULLSHIT...but other than that, there was no fights or problems....i mean cmon, E is the love drug...seriously tho. if this was a rock show it would have been a mess!
every1 exited and partyed in the parking lot by their cars with music bumping, and glow sticks everywhere. the streets of inglewood, LA and HollyWood were covered with pilled out Etards with nowhere to go and nothing to do just wanting to dance...,me included
so overall , i spent about 600$ or more to go to this damn rave and waited all year, just to have it shut down on me...aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wat a waste

hah i see. im heading to vegas in a week.. any suggestions for fun things?
Awe, that blows. At least you looked cute, I love the magician outfits!