I don't think anyone reads journals here anymore which makes me unmotivated to write anything proper. I have realised that I hardly read or reply to anything either, it's feels to me like the design has shut everyone off from each other. The format feels unusable for most things I used to use it for. Because the site is very similar to instagram now, people just connect the two so nothing new happens on here, a different format would give people a reason to put different things here no? I'm sure it's been about a year since the redesign now hasn't it? I just can't get used to it and I don't see the point in it being a stream of instagram pictures when everyone, if they have an account there too, is already "following" all the same people on there. So it's just repetition. But even though I don't have an instagram I still find that really boring, it seems like there is no real content at the moment.
I really think the coolest thing to do would be to revert to something closer to the old design, that would be such a rare thing to do, to have tried something new but decided to go back to what was there before, people never seem able to do such things because they think it makes them weak, we can't admit when we are wrong, cut off our noses to spite our faces (I like that phrase), it seems like defeat I suppose but it's actually not at all. I think it's really good to try something new but if it really isn't better, wouldn't the sensible thing be to change back. That would be admirable I think. But maybe everyone else does finds it better? I just feel disappointed every time I come on these days because I can't find anyone or anything I was to read/look at apart from the odd set and no one is in contact anymore which is sad. It's probably partly because I don't have instagram or twitter or Facebook. And actually I'm moving house soon and I've decided not to get the internet in it so what am I complaining about?! And why have I become such an intense technophobe?! Ah, but the thing I really loved here were people's journals but they are just regurgitated iPhone pictures now. Do you guys know anyone that does more than that anymore? Recommend some pages to me.
Learning harp. Beautiful instrument. I don't think I really have enough time to practice much along with my piano lessons but I am looking after this pedal harp for a friend for a month so that will give me a little chance. I'll try to make the effort and write something interesting next time, as I can't very well complain about no one making any effort any more and then do the same myself. I'm very tired at the moment because I've been working a lot so I don't have the greatest amount of energy but I'm really enjoying the summer when I have days off and had a chance to go to the sea last week which was perfect and very restorative. Go and see the sea if you can... byebyebye x