Aw, @waikiki just sent me these pictures of my little "sister" @lass and I from when we were all in Norfolk shooting the last DVD with @sean and @missy and all the gang. Seems so long ago and make me miss all those amazing women. I think that was the last time I shot anything actually. I seem to have gone into hiding in that regard.
I was thinking about international women's day last week and today we talked about it with the ladies in one the hospital wards I work in, they are all over 80 and they were saying how it was really nice that women were listened to more now and that they could make their own decisions, they said even when they were young women you wouldn't choose your own vote, you would just vote for what your husband told you. Interesting to see the slow changes even over a couple of generations.
I remember when we had the first election for devolution in Scotland in the 90s and my grandparents saying they didn't really agree with it but they thought it was what the young people wanted so they voted yes. Which I think was super cool of them. Hope people think about doing something brave and different for the future this time too.
I hope you're all well. I've still not really got to terms with the new website format but I'll keep trying now and then when I have time and I'll try to keep in touch with everyone a bit better but ultimately I feel pretty lost in this place, it's like an avalanche of iPhone pictured body parts to scan through and mindlessly "like", everything feels so over saturated and it doesn't give me much motivation or interest. Which is a shame. Maybe it's just that I've been on here about 10 years and getting older, I don't know x