If I was lucky enough to own a fence, I would put a sign on it saying "Dear being, please feel free to tie your bike here if that would be convenient for you. It's of no consequence to me or the fence if a bicycle is attached to it for a few hours or days or weeks and heaven knows, people need places to tie their bikes in this cold, dark world. It's good that you are cycling, that should benefit your health and the health of the planet. Tie tie away." No one told me to untie my bike from their fence today but I keep seeing more and more signs around the place "Do not tie your bike to this fence, it will be removed and may be damaged!" ...and it really baffles me that people care about such things. Am I doing similar by making note?! Perhaps! I also wondered if I may be missing some secret thing that would make sense of it all?! Maybe if I had a fence I would understand. Or a hammer. Or a bell. Or a song. Actually, now I remember someone put a note on my bike a few years ago, it was tied to a fence on the side of the flat I was staying in and someone living in the house on the other side of the fence wrote asking if I could please not tie my bike there as the fence was priiiiiiivate property belonging to them. I think these small, daft things are sure signs that we are all completely barking mad.
i hope some day you do have a fence and are abele to do that :)
The world cries for more people like you.