We have a wee living tree inside the house and have put little ornaments and lights on it! I enjoy the slightly surreal aspect of that particular ritual. I'm going to plant it in the garden afterwards and I hope the roots won't have been too damaged for it to grow. It's a blue spruce. I hope you're all happy and cosy whatever it is that you do at this time of year. I'm not really fussed about Christmas, it doesn't mean anything to me but I'm happy enough to have a nice dinner with my family and give them presents despite the silly consumer aspect of this period and the irrelevance of religion! Peace and love to all of you and thanks for everything :-) x
That's a neat idea. I like that much better than having a fake tree or cutting down a live one. It looks great too.
Christmas seems even more irrelevant over here. For a start they put up decorations in the shops in October! Then we have a Xmas pageant in November. So, by the time the real Xmas comes, it's been dragged out for so long we're over it. I'm not a Christian (atheist when it comes to deity, Buddhist/Taoist when it comes to spirituality), so that gives the whole season no meaning for me. And, to top it off, we have trees and fake snow and snow men etc, but the weather is a bright and sunny 37 degrees celsius. I went shopping in our main shopping mall this year. There were thousands of people fighting for bargains, carrying masses of useless presents, on a 41 degree day while, over loudspeakers, they played a pan pipe version of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. madness! Happy thoughts to you though.