I never thought, that money would determine my life!!!!!
but now it does - and makes me more depressed then anything else
i dont know how to pay the bills - and i dont want to go to court against my parents..... how should i do that???
and i dont want to make them beeing suicidal,,,,
what to do,,,
i dont know
but now it does - and makes me more depressed then anything else
i dont know how to pay the bills - and i dont want to go to court against my parents..... how should i do that???
and i dont want to make them beeing suicidal,,,,
what to do,,,
i dont know
Naja, es wird ja vom aktuellen Einkommen deiner Eltern berechnet, ob und wieviel Bafg du bekommst.
Das heit (ich kenn ja jetzt die Finanzsituation deiner Eltern nicht), wenn das Bafgamt sagt, dass du nix kriegt, mssten deine Eltern eigentlich genug Kohle haben...