today my cat "fridolin" died!
my mother send me an sms 10 minutes ago
,,,,,i wanted to upload some pictures but, the picture section doesnt work since they changed the site this morning....
now i have to go to work with red eyes!
i was at my parents house on thursday and had a long time with him...since he did not let touch anybody for years, my inner self knew he wanted to say goodbye, when he came with his thinn old head towards me,,,he did not lift, but let me touch him....
i missed him the last years leaving my parents and just beeing there for some weekends,,,now i miss him much more, but are happy he ll be happy in cat heaven!
ok,,,tears rushing my eyes-----i ll stop writing and come back tomorrow with clear head.....
sorry for spelling and weird phrases.....
my mother send me an sms 10 minutes ago

,,,,,i wanted to upload some pictures but, the picture section doesnt work since they changed the site this morning....
now i have to go to work with red eyes!
i was at my parents house on thursday and had a long time with him...since he did not let touch anybody for years, my inner self knew he wanted to say goodbye, when he came with his thinn old head towards me,,,he did not lift, but let me touch him....
i missed him the last years leaving my parents and just beeing there for some weekends,,,now i miss him much more, but are happy he ll be happy in cat heaven!
ok,,,tears rushing my eyes-----i ll stop writing and come back tomorrow with clear head.....
sorry for spelling and weird phrases.....

das mit den Diten stimmt wirklich, ich werde nach ner Zeit unaustehlich und mein Schatz sagt dann immer,, dass ich doch gar nicht abnehmen brauch. Wies immer so ist.
Deine Hochzeitsfotos sind wirklich schn und vor allem mal was anderes. Ich wundere mich immer noch wenn jemand in unserem Alter heiratet, obwohl wir selbst ja auch seit einem Jahr verheiratet sind.
Bis dann
P.S. Mein Beileid!