sometime i think about moving to the USA but then i think to wich city and neighborhood should i move.
Anybody got any suggestion about a really nice place?
If you do please tell me!!
I moved to to USA but let me tell you, it's not easy. You can't just come need a visa, permits, papers and other billion things. My suggestion tho, go and visit cities you think you like, only after living the place, even if it's only for couple of days, you would know where to go.
I'm partial to Southern California of course, having lived here all my life. I live about an hour North of L.A. and feel lucky as hell! But the cost of living (housing especially) is ri-freaking-diculous! Saturn_ is right about our complicated ass visa etc system and she has totally got a good idea; visit where you can and maybe go from there. One thing I will say is keep weather in mind, some areas can get pretty nasty. Like our whole "mid-west" right now! If you have any questions at all, I'm more than happy to tell you what I know! The US would be lucky to have you!