hey a-holes
dont forget to vote
i &hearts sunshine
i &hearts alissabrunelli
i &hearts whoever that girl is that im making out with

(oh yes, i forgot to tell you all that i cut my hair very short. boy short. i might post good photos of it soon. i might not. i probably wont. ps: if you click 'view all' on my journal, you can see the other half of my face. its pretty important)
matthew and i...
had some drinks (code word for: drank way too much) with sunshine & dave and alissa & durb
alissa and i had blue drinks. hers was bluer (oooo i dont think thats a word)
walked to gameworks
my dear friend tony met us there
i exposed myself to people and got kicked out
went back to tonys
i got to watch a boy get a blowjob from another boy (hot)
woke up with indian warpaint, a hitler moustache, and 'balls' on my forehead
along with the most hideously bruised ass anyone has ever seen (i got spanked)
had breakfast at taco bell with tony
went to watch alissa shoot a set for sunshine (hot)
(oh, and look for my cameo in there, along with another future sg who i believe is named adelae)
drove home, made steak and potatoes and ate until we couldnt move
ahhhhhhhh, love
speaking of which, someone should renew this guys sg account.
(yes! i found you! i knew you liked big tits! you cant deny it anymore, pervert)
oh yes. went to the pittsburgh halloween party last weekend and met lots of lovely new people. had lots of good bathroom conversation. had sex in lots of fun places. got new tattoos. got my car broken into. for a more detailed account, visit cassiopeias journal. (ps: she is amazing and i adore her.)
i stole these from fasterfeet37. muhahaha
i was supposed to be a dead hooker, but in reality i probably looked way more like a transvestite

jesus christ, iso is hot.
the really excellent news is......
miss alissabrunelli is shooting a set for me on the 19th! yay!
joanna newsom at little brothers on the 9th. ive been waiting so long for this.
dont forget to vote
i &hearts sunshine
i &hearts alissabrunelli
i &hearts whoever that girl is that im making out with

(oh yes, i forgot to tell you all that i cut my hair very short. boy short. i might post good photos of it soon. i might not. i probably wont. ps: if you click 'view all' on my journal, you can see the other half of my face. its pretty important)
matthew and i...
had some drinks (code word for: drank way too much) with sunshine & dave and alissa & durb
alissa and i had blue drinks. hers was bluer (oooo i dont think thats a word)
walked to gameworks
my dear friend tony met us there
i exposed myself to people and got kicked out
went back to tonys
i got to watch a boy get a blowjob from another boy (hot)
woke up with indian warpaint, a hitler moustache, and 'balls' on my forehead
along with the most hideously bruised ass anyone has ever seen (i got spanked)
had breakfast at taco bell with tony
went to watch alissa shoot a set for sunshine (hot)
(oh, and look for my cameo in there, along with another future sg who i believe is named adelae)
drove home, made steak and potatoes and ate until we couldnt move
ahhhhhhhh, love
speaking of which, someone should renew this guys sg account.
(yes! i found you! i knew you liked big tits! you cant deny it anymore, pervert)
oh yes. went to the pittsburgh halloween party last weekend and met lots of lovely new people. had lots of good bathroom conversation. had sex in lots of fun places. got new tattoos. got my car broken into. for a more detailed account, visit cassiopeias journal. (ps: she is amazing and i adore her.)
i stole these from fasterfeet37. muhahaha
i was supposed to be a dead hooker, but in reality i probably looked way more like a transvestite

jesus christ, iso is hot.
the really excellent news is......
miss alissabrunelli is shooting a set for me on the 19th! yay!
joanna newsom at little brothers on the 9th. ive been waiting so long for this.
And you should come party with me on Saturday!!!! we can dirty dance and get kicked out (or get lots of free drinks....depends on the crowd, hehe)