this whole 'not being able to edit' thing is no good.
i am an editor by nature. i love to edit. not being able to look at an entry 27 times and alter it to my satisfaction is brutal. just brutal.
anyways, i am updating two days in a row.
this either means that i am tremendously bored and kind of sad, or that i lead a life that warrants daily updates. you may choose which, but id prefer you chose the latter, as it makes me feel like less of a nerrrrrrrrrrd.
i cleaned out my car today.
i dont like cleaning out my car, so i do it as infrequently as possible. i am fairly sure that the last time was about 6 months ago, and that is a very long time for someone who drives as much as i have to.
i inventoried:
(11) empty packs, camel filters
(2) empty packs, marlboro reds (from erin)
(1) empty pack, winstons (who the fuck is smoking winstons in my car?)
(6) empty wrappers, jack links original beef jerky ( i have a problem)
(4) twin bed sheets ( long story)
(1) winter coat (lying on the passengers floor for months)
(2) bridal magazines
(1) xzibit compact disk
(1) laura viers compact disk
(1) cocorosie compact disk
(2) partially eaten snickers bars (melted to the center console)
....... along with many other things. jesus christo, im not inventorying everything.
but.... in the glove box, i found these:
that made me giggle, as i wasnt expecting to find them in there.
they are amazingly easy to rip out of the box.
only recently did it occur to me how many perverts have fingered these, and if i cared about anything germ-related, how disgusted i would be. but to be honest with you, i would probably eat them if someone told me to.
im not going to lie to you kids, im a little high right now.
......ON LIFE!!!!!
(but seriously though, i am)
{gives massive and exuburant thumbs-up}
so, i have some new pitchers (god i cant fucking stand it when people say that) to show you. and, since my others were EATEN BY THE ANGELFIRE DEMON, i am going to try and find a safer place for those. just thought you should know. because.... i like to make you guys look at them.
i really wish i had someone else to photograph.
yes, i know that the edges are a little funny. i was in a hurry. and that half of my face isnt necessarily pleasing to the eye, but half of my face was smushed up against a pillow, and i didnt care for it. i still liked the lighting, though. also, those are my extensions. i love them.
there are so many things that i want to tell you! hmmmm....
i never told you that....
-tilly and the wall was very, very wonderful. i had seen them before, but this venue was much more personal, and the mood was jovial and joyous and jubilant and many other adjectives that start with 'j' that mean the very same thing. and i danced, that always makes me happy. afterwards we went to the hookah bar and smoked strawberry tobacco out of a hookah which had previously been packed with mint, and i found the resulting strawberry-mint combination to be both engaging and delightful.
-david lindley was terribly entertaining. i love slide guitar more than many, if not most, things in life. and i got to hear a lot of it that nite. fabulous. he wore shiny green cowboy boots and looked very much like a bloated, (even more) haggard neil young. he spoke of man boobs and vietnam, of eating cat food and the smell of goat crotch.... and im really not kidding.
-last week i went to columbus with rachelle to see the independents. the police were called and not much of a show was had. now we are going this thursday to see the buzzcocks. yeah, i have no idea what im talking about. no need to worry about miss anna losing her love of girly music and stringed instruments - but i am expanding my musical horizons, and that feels good. i pretty much just go where rachelle takes me. but i am (secretly) loving it, very much so.
i wish i had the power to inflict upon my enemies very nasty yeast infections.
i mean really massive ones, ones that look like someone pumped their labia full of collagen and it appears as though their vagina is violently vomiting cottage cheese.
sure, its not going to kill them (maybe eventually, via piv). but it will make them extremely uncomfortable. unbearably uncomfortable. you dont know discomfort until your vagina is swelling shut, is very nearly on fire, all you can think about is taking a hard-bristled toothbrush and scrubbing your genitals raw, and your are sitting through a school day or are at work for 8 hours.
not fun, let me tell you.
erin is going to chicago on august 2nd to attend a live taping of the judge mathis show.
she asked if i would like to go, which i replied to with a hearty 'hell yes!' and then i danced, like so:
it wasnt exactly like that. actually, i didnt dance at all, that was a lie. but the rest is true, i swear to you!
the point is, if i can get the time off, ill go. erin has been wanting to do this for years. i know, my sister is the coolest.
i am also dying to go see anais mitchell on september 16th, again, in chicago. it is the closest she is getting to me, and this is the only hope i have of meeting her and making her fall in love with me.
fuck. she is so amazing.
but im not sure if i can afford all of this driving i am planning on doing in the next couple of months....hmmmm.... money.
holy fuck
its later than i thought.
im going to update this, and immediately see that i forgot something or completely fucked something up, and i will not be able to edit it.
ps: if you think ive been ignoring you lately, i apologize.... i havent been around much, and when i do the journal thing i spend hours doing it and by the time its done i dont want to spend another few hours replying and then i forget about it and ive got 4 entries full of lovely comments that ive yet to respond to and i am overwhelmed.
excuses aside, im glad im back. i think you guys are pretty neat (for the most part).
fun post... you made me smile, something i thought i wouldn't do today due to asshole drivers on the way to work.