oh man, angelfire caught onto my tricky system abuse. they deleted all of my photos, so i guess you dont get to see me naked anymore. SO SAD.
i like simplicity
i stole these from severus. go ahead, tell on me. i dare you.

jesus. holy. christ.... you have no idea how badly that turns me on.

alisa rules over all of you

i really wanted to tell you all that i havent replied to comments yet because im super busy. but thats a complete lie, and i could not bring myself to tell it, for i love (some of) you far too much.
the truth is, i just got an amazing job, which i start tomorrow. thus, i am taking this time between jobs for all it is worth. this means that my days consist mainly of eating, sleeping, drawing, and masturbating. consequently, i have gained 6 or 7 pounds (seriously, i have), developed a horrendous sleeping schedule, spent my last dollars on watercolor paper and pastels, and broken my vibrator.
but the main reason im here is to pimp the fuck out of this:

its true, its true! i, along with almost THIRTY OTHER SGS will be attending the hell city tattoo festival in columbus this weekend. i will be shooting two sets, a video, swimming, dancing, and sharing a hotel room with taye and helena. you are so jealous. ive never been to an sg function, so im kind of terrified. im also pretty sure that no one is going to know who the hell i am, so that will be interesting. but overall, it should be a ridiculously good time, and you really should join us. why be creepy online when you can be creepy IN PERSON??
the lovely and talented benaiah has done a portrait of me, and i would like to share it with you:
amazing, right? no one has ever drawn me before! this is terribly exciting.
wanna know what im listening to right now? yeah, probably not. but i am often asked what sort of musical taste i have, so if you are curious, please click below.
the answer is: really really girly stuff. sorry, i cant help it.
a few comments:
*'fjarskanistan' is the perfect song for naked, post-sex conversation.
*remember my journal entry with all of the crafts and messiness? animal collective & wu-tang was the soundtrack for that nite.
*bonnie raitts newest album is fantastic.
*emmylou harris is one of the most beautiful women i have ever seen, with one of the most beautiful voices ive ever heard. i very well may be in love with her.
*ralph stanley and my grandparents are from the same county in virginia. he lives, quite literally, right on the other side of the mountain.
*gillian welch.... DROOL. what an incredible soul.
*the fray is a huge guilty pleasure of mine.
ok thats it.
MAY 26th, 2006.
better than sex?
yes. why, you ask? because of this, my dears:
fucking amazing. PLEASE DONT SUCK.
this week has been lovely and warm, but not too warm. i can sleep with my windows open, and i like that. right now sai and o-ren are sitting in my window sill, trying to catch junebugs. its adorable.
so ive seen these counter things on peoples desktops, where it tells you how many sg comments and messages you have. does anyone know what im talking about, or where i can acquire such a thing? please? i will give you oral pleasure in return! well..... no i wont. but i can will oral pleasure your way, does that work? hey, it doesnt really matter whos doing it, as long as its getting done.
id like to wrap things up with more unnecessary photos of myself.
firstly, i think you should all know that i stopped shaving my crotch, like so:
i really like it.
next, clothed photos, which i know you dont really care about:
i find that the best way to end a journal entry is with the ass:
peace, my brethren
damn. Jean Grey had some fuckin nice titties. look at that outfit. If was i was the kind of guy to ogle cartoon characters i'd be beating off right now.
woops. i've said too much.
hey. i need exposure to new music. ummm. Name an album that you think i absolutely must own to have a proper musical collection.
or make me a mix CD!
and with that, i'll go. I suppose i read this post too late. I hope you had fun with all the other hotties at the convention. and good luck with the new job. I hope it's not illegal.
I managed to get the Kanye West CD AND watch an IMAX film on India.
Everything's coming up Milhouse!