So I've found these two in my old house, and I've started rollerblading. Yeah, I'm a noob and self learning, but I'm passionate. It's actually what I'm doing most this summer. My only pair of jeans is not happy with this new hobby.

I'm practising like a boss, because practice makes perfect

Question of the day (bear with me, I'm stoned while writing). I've found out some old LP from my mother's collection, and I can say my mom had pretty cool music taste when she was younger. So I've started wondering: which music will my future child find in my collection? Will they be proud of their mom?
What are the five album you've grown up to that you will be happy to share with your teenager son/daughter?
1 Linkin Park Meteora
2 Pantera Reinventing hell
3 Dir en Grey Vulgar (couldn't find the whole album file. Here's sample)
4 System of a Down Toxicity
5 and for some italian stuff, Subsonica - Controllo del livello di rombo
(seems like I'm some sort of metalhead in disguise)