A very tired blog entry
This weekend has been so awesome I didn't sleep <.< Too much board games and role playing can kill, expecially if you are the only one in the group who wants to sleep.
Anyway, it was some weeks I wanted to update this blog, so here it comes!
Our self-producted comic project is going quite well. Today we received the copies of our new product, "Chronicles of Starfall!. I'm quite sure I already wrote something about it on the previous entry: anyway, it's a comic serie I just started to draw, based on our rpg playings. It's such a pleasure to see a complete work coming to life...even more if you know in person the characters you are drawing
The Chronicles of Starfall blog
I apologize for it being only in italian, but the project is meant for Italy only. It's produced under a small Cultural Association, Gypsy Eye. If it gets a good responce from the public we may translate it and make it ready for english speakers, but it'll be difficult for some years.
If you want to check out some drawings, related to the comic or not, you may take a look at my DeviantArt.
Per gli italiani: la sottoscritta, con l'Associazione Culturale Gypsy Eye, avr uno splendido stand con i nostri fumetti autoprodotti alla fiera di MestreComix il 3 e 4 dicembre a Mestre (VE). Venite a trovarci!
I don't live of roleplaying only: I also have a life! In this period, I'm pretty overwhelmed by a lot of things, among all my graduation exam. This is my 5th year in the Academy of Fine Arts, it sucks and I want to get over this school, but I have this damn last project to do.
Worst of all? I've studied Paintings, but my teacher wants me to complete my study with a sculpture. It means I'm facing mud and tridimensional objects for the first time in 10 years of artistic studies, weee! I told you that it sucks, didn't I?
Back to the amusing things: I'm into cosplay again. I had this phase of my life in which, not reading mangas, I left cosplay but...I find out I can dress as a fantasy character instead, so I'm back to my old habits ("where can I find a good wig?" "How do I put my elf ears on?" "I need some more little tiny accessories to complete a costume!" ...and so on!). I'm so fucking happy XDDD It feels so good to spend some money on the things you love, and to have something to focus on that is not work-related _
I'm also considering to start some miniatures creations, maybe with scenery. I'm a disaster at painting little figures, I tried Warhammer a bunch of years ago.
My parents think I'm retarted, thought XD
So. I have to sleep, or I could start to write random things. Too random. Goodnight!
P.S. I promise a more pictures-and-images blog soon! Maybe after the Comic Convention.
This weekend has been so awesome I didn't sleep <.< Too much board games and role playing can kill, expecially if you are the only one in the group who wants to sleep.
Anyway, it was some weeks I wanted to update this blog, so here it comes!
Our self-producted comic project is going quite well. Today we received the copies of our new product, "Chronicles of Starfall!. I'm quite sure I already wrote something about it on the previous entry: anyway, it's a comic serie I just started to draw, based on our rpg playings. It's such a pleasure to see a complete work coming to life...even more if you know in person the characters you are drawing

The Chronicles of Starfall blog
I apologize for it being only in italian, but the project is meant for Italy only. It's produced under a small Cultural Association, Gypsy Eye. If it gets a good responce from the public we may translate it and make it ready for english speakers, but it'll be difficult for some years.
If you want to check out some drawings, related to the comic or not, you may take a look at my DeviantArt.
Per gli italiani: la sottoscritta, con l'Associazione Culturale Gypsy Eye, avr uno splendido stand con i nostri fumetti autoprodotti alla fiera di MestreComix il 3 e 4 dicembre a Mestre (VE). Venite a trovarci!
I don't live of roleplaying only: I also have a life! In this period, I'm pretty overwhelmed by a lot of things, among all my graduation exam. This is my 5th year in the Academy of Fine Arts, it sucks and I want to get over this school, but I have this damn last project to do.
Worst of all? I've studied Paintings, but my teacher wants me to complete my study with a sculpture. It means I'm facing mud and tridimensional objects for the first time in 10 years of artistic studies, weee! I told you that it sucks, didn't I?
Back to the amusing things: I'm into cosplay again. I had this phase of my life in which, not reading mangas, I left cosplay but...I find out I can dress as a fantasy character instead, so I'm back to my old habits ("where can I find a good wig?" "How do I put my elf ears on?" "I need some more little tiny accessories to complete a costume!" ...and so on!). I'm so fucking happy XDDD It feels so good to spend some money on the things you love, and to have something to focus on that is not work-related _
I'm also considering to start some miniatures creations, maybe with scenery. I'm a disaster at painting little figures, I tried Warhammer a bunch of years ago.
My parents think I'm retarted, thought XD
So. I have to sleep, or I could start to write random things. Too random. Goodnight!
P.S. I promise a more pictures-and-images blog soon! Maybe after the Comic Convention.