I'm in much better spirtits. After spending most of the weekend thinking about what kind of guys I would like and persure after we broke up, if we broke up. Going to movies and coffee houses with my friend David, we've hung out for two days straight. That's a feat for Dave and I.
But yesterday while we were in Boarder's, Drew's sister Becky calls.
Apparently Drew hasn't been talking to anybody and everybody has been looking for him.
She called him on his birthday.
I texted him on his birthday.
The only person he called back that wished him happy birthday was his mom, and that's because if he didn't she would have called him 30 more times... Literally.
So Becky was talking to him and asked him what was wrong and of course he says nothing. As in nothings wrong. He always gets depressed on his birthday, he's just getting worse at hiding it.
So, she asked, " Are you and Anissa ok?" and he goes, " Yeah, we're fine, but, she got really mad at me. I don't understand why she takes it so personal."
Are men seriously this oblivious?!
So she proceeded to gentley rip him a new asshole about how she took it personal too, because she also thought he was mad at her for some reason. And how you can't just not see or talk to a girl in two weeks and expect them to be fine. She told me when he does call me just don't be too hard on him because he is really in a underground cave of depression and isn't really sure what's going on.
She thinks he might be bipolar. And he hasn't seen a councelor since he was a kid, so she's going to talk to him about getting help.
I think it might work because Drew really listens to his sister and if his mom or I were to do it he would feel ganged up on. So, I'll let her take care of that and just be patient with him.
So, yeah. Shaun of the Dead was the shit.
But yesterday while we were in Boarder's, Drew's sister Becky calls.
Apparently Drew hasn't been talking to anybody and everybody has been looking for him.
She called him on his birthday.
I texted him on his birthday.
The only person he called back that wished him happy birthday was his mom, and that's because if he didn't she would have called him 30 more times... Literally.
So Becky was talking to him and asked him what was wrong and of course he says nothing. As in nothings wrong. He always gets depressed on his birthday, he's just getting worse at hiding it.
So, she asked, " Are you and Anissa ok?" and he goes, " Yeah, we're fine, but, she got really mad at me. I don't understand why she takes it so personal."
Are men seriously this oblivious?!
So she proceeded to gentley rip him a new asshole about how she took it personal too, because she also thought he was mad at her for some reason. And how you can't just not see or talk to a girl in two weeks and expect them to be fine. She told me when he does call me just don't be too hard on him because he is really in a underground cave of depression and isn't really sure what's going on.
She thinks he might be bipolar. And he hasn't seen a councelor since he was a kid, so she's going to talk to him about getting help.
I think it might work because Drew really listens to his sister and if his mom or I were to do it he would feel ganged up on. So, I'll let her take care of that and just be patient with him.
So, yeah. Shaun of the Dead was the shit.