Colder and colder still...
I was never one to put up with bullshit... As soon as I became less and less amused with your presence, I was out.
It would be so much easier if I could channel those days, but, I was seduced by love and routine for three years.
In a good way.
Doesn't sound like a lot, but in the days when two months was the cutoff, it seems like a lifetime.
I actually want to help work him through this.
You would think the boy could walk on water.
The one person I can see myself with for a long time is my biggest challenge.
My dumb luck.
I was never one to put up with bullshit... As soon as I became less and less amused with your presence, I was out.
It would be so much easier if I could channel those days, but, I was seduced by love and routine for three years.
In a good way.
Doesn't sound like a lot, but in the days when two months was the cutoff, it seems like a lifetime.
I actually want to help work him through this.
You would think the boy could walk on water.
The one person I can see myself with for a long time is my biggest challenge.
My dumb luck.

They would be wrong,,,,
it's us isn't it?
I'm here with ya sister, 5 years and counting.