I'm back on the SIms again. I had taken a tiny break because the Sims are too much fun.
But my new project is the Burton house for Gifted and Unusual children.
It's basically a boarding school for little creature children. Any wierd little kid I can think up.
It's an all girls school right now. Two aliens, two zombies, a vampire, and the cutest little demon you ever did see.
No, no more like demonic. She's more Children of the Corn than Hellboy.
I'm thinking about an auxiliary boys school.
Whip up a couple werewolves. Maybe a spunky little Borg.
Once I get them all moved in I'll post some pictures.
That's the sort of dedicated dork I am.
But my new project is the Burton house for Gifted and Unusual children.
It's basically a boarding school for little creature children. Any wierd little kid I can think up.
It's an all girls school right now. Two aliens, two zombies, a vampire, and the cutest little demon you ever did see.
No, no more like demonic. She's more Children of the Corn than Hellboy.
I'm thinking about an auxiliary boys school.
Whip up a couple werewolves. Maybe a spunky little Borg.
Once I get them all moved in I'll post some pictures.
That's the sort of dedicated dork I am.

Man, I haven't played the Sims since Hot Date. My ex repoed that when she left me. Thanks for the horrible memory. Now I see why your dog doesn't like you