I know most of us watch cartoons but how many still watch on Saturday morning?
I usually bitch and moan about kids cartoons today, but I have to admit some do sneak up on you and before you now it your watching comercials for Fruit Rollups, Reese Cup Cereal, and Happy Meals.
And we wonder why kids are so fat...
Anyway, one of these comericals was a public service announcement. But, suprisingly, it wasn't sezure inducing like most of them tend to be.
In fact it was really beautiful.
The concept was really cool, the music is great, it was shot beautifully, and it had a message I completely get behind.
Kids getting the fuck out of the house, away from all the electronics, and going outside to play.
Who can't dig that?
If I had kids I would be throwing them out the door right now.
It's 46 degrees outside! In February!
I've watched this serveral times just watching ABC in the last half hour and I can't get enough of it.
I mean it's... I don't know. Stirring?
Hell, I want to go outside and play.
Rather than gush I could explain what the hell I'm taling about. But I'll do ya one better.
Go watch it yourself!
P.S. You need shockwave.
If you downloaded it or you already have it, just ignore the 'You will need shockwave' message. It pops up a couple time then your free. Go to clips, and they are at the top of the page.
P.P.S - The song is Step Into the Sun (Tronik mix) by Solid State Revival.
I usually bitch and moan about kids cartoons today, but I have to admit some do sneak up on you and before you now it your watching comercials for Fruit Rollups, Reese Cup Cereal, and Happy Meals.
And we wonder why kids are so fat...
Anyway, one of these comericals was a public service announcement. But, suprisingly, it wasn't sezure inducing like most of them tend to be.
In fact it was really beautiful.
The concept was really cool, the music is great, it was shot beautifully, and it had a message I completely get behind.
Kids getting the fuck out of the house, away from all the electronics, and going outside to play.
Who can't dig that?
If I had kids I would be throwing them out the door right now.
It's 46 degrees outside! In February!
I've watched this serveral times just watching ABC in the last half hour and I can't get enough of it.
I mean it's... I don't know. Stirring?
Hell, I want to go outside and play.
Rather than gush I could explain what the hell I'm taling about. But I'll do ya one better.
Go watch it yourself!
P.S. You need shockwave.
If you downloaded it or you already have it, just ignore the 'You will need shockwave' message. It pops up a couple time then your free. Go to clips, and they are at the top of the page.
P.P.S - The song is Step Into the Sun (Tronik mix) by Solid State Revival.

The Saturday morning cartoons nowadays suck. The only one I watch are the TMNT and that's just for nostogic reasons. Also, they only show about two hours of cartoon, the rest being news programs.
I didn't think cartoons came on Sat. mornings anymore. I guess the Cartoon Network has spoiled me