So I saw
With that said, here's how it basically went down: Dumb internet users opened their browser (ie6 most likely) which came up with google since that was probably their homepage. They typed "facebook login" into google like they do every time they want to visit facebook. They click the first link that comes up but on this particular day they were taken to a blog called ReadWriteWeb which is primarily a red color scheme and looks nothing like facebook. They proceeded to read the story about facebook and AOL and then used the option to login with with their facebook account to leave a comment on the story. Of course, they thought this was just logging into facebook and didn't know for some reason why they were being forced to leave a comment. Needless-to-say, they left the comment anyway which resulted in one of the funniest comment threads I have ever read. Comments like "Ok If I have to I will comment,I love facebook so right now just want to log in if thats ok with Keep up the good work..." and "please give me back the old facebook login this is crazy................." were plentiful.
This whole realization to me has made me wake up to the type of people for which I am trying to make/build stuff. It has saddened me to no end. I don't even feel like getting out of bed anymore.
Anyway, the original blog with comments can be found
<a href="">this story</a>yesterday. The story is about how a blogsite posted a blog about Facebook and AOL announced a partnership titled "Facebook Wants to Be Your One True Login." Pretty standard stuff but this particular blog somehow became the #1 search result on google when you search for "Facebook login" resulting in the indirect ousting of all the internet's stupidest users. Apparently a great number of internet users go to facebook every morning by typing "facebook login" into google and then clicking the first link that comes up, without even reading what it is, mind you.
With that said, here's how it basically went down: Dumb internet users opened their browser (ie6 most likely) which came up with google since that was probably their homepage. They typed "facebook login" into google like they do every time they want to visit facebook. They click the first link that comes up but on this particular day they were taken to a blog called ReadWriteWeb which is primarily a red color scheme and looks nothing like facebook. They proceeded to read the story about facebook and AOL and then used the option to login with with their facebook account to leave a comment on the story. Of course, they thought this was just logging into facebook and didn't know for some reason why they were being forced to leave a comment. Needless-to-say, they left the comment anyway which resulted in one of the funniest comment threads I have ever read. Comments like "Ok If I have to I will comment,I love facebook so right now just want to log in if thats ok with Keep up the good work..." and "please give me back the old facebook login this is crazy................." were plentiful.
This whole realization to me has made me wake up to the type of people for which I am trying to make/build stuff. It has saddened me to no end. I don't even feel like getting out of bed anymore.
Anyway, the original blog with comments can be found
<a href="">here.</a>Enjoy. (Note, they have since added a disclaimer in the middle of the blog telling people this is not facebook.)