I called in sick to work on Wednesday and my girlfriend and I went to the park all day. I go to the park every weekend for kickball but she never comes because she always has to work late the night before. We'd been talking about going to just hang out all day for awhile and I'm glad we finally did. We had a lot...
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Hey this is Banbury from SGAtliens. We are trying to drum up some new people in the group..so please come out to our next open event and meet some kick-ass people!!!

Fox & Hounds (1193 Collier Road), Sunday 5/25 8PM
I haven't made a post in quite some time. I've been really busy trying to help my girlfriend get her life together and headed in the right direction. I love her so much but she has some things that she needs to work through and I'm trying to help her every step of the way.

I got in a car accident last Saturday morning and...
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That looks great - where did you get it done?

By the way, SGATL is having an open event this Friday. Check out the info here and let me know if you can make it!
I haven't posted on here in quite a long time. I've been dating a new girl the past couple months. It's been quite awhile since I've had a girlfriend. My last post about the Velvet Revolver show was actually our first date. It's been going really well since then.

Anyway, I can't wait until Friday because I'm taking a couple weeks off work staring that...
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Thanks for checking out my music. Hey, we're both Leo's. Neat.
My friend, Katie, finished moving all her stuff into my apartment today. So now I have a roommate again, something I said I would never have again. Oh well. I just felt bad for her because she was having a hard time finding a roommate or a nice, affordable one-bedroom. At least I'll be able to save some money for awhile.

We went to see...
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hahaha AMAZING picture darling!!
holy crap thats awsome! eeek
I took the exam that I've been studying for for weeks today. You don't find out your official score until 5 weeks after taking but when I finished I got a printout saying "a preliminary analysis of your test results shows that you were not successful in achieving the passing score" blah blah blah. It really sucks because I felt like I was doing really...
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holy crap your cat on the door is so funny. soo wish i was a cat haha. sorry to hear about your exam.. who knows maybe the print out was wrong and you did so well you broke it! hehe
Today's my birthday and all I've got planned is to study all day for an exam that I'm taking later this month. It's pretty much all I do every weekend and every night after work. I can't wait until it over. At this point I don't even care if I pass or not, I just want to be done with it.
happy birthday. you should have at least a little fun.
I just got home from seeing Marilyn Manson. That was quite a show. Still not as good as a Polyphonic Spree show but still really good. It ended rather abruptly leaving everyone in confusion about whether it was really over or not. He really likes to put his hands down his pants a lot. That's the main difference between his show and a Polyphonic Spree...
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I went to see the Polyphonic Spree last night for the 2nd time in a little over a month. After seeing them for the first time ever in May, I said that I would never miss a show of theirs whenever they come to town. But I figured I'd have to wait at least a year before they'd come back. This time was just as...
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My roommate is finally moving out. We had somewhat of a falling out and he's been dragging his feet on moving. I don't know what's taking him so long to get the last of his stuff though. I almost feel like just throwing it out myself. Anyway, since he's moving I'm rearranging all the decorations in the apartment. I started today by painting one of...
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i am a symertry nut with my ink too!! hehe put some pictures of the new one up!! hehe
The Bright Eyes show was good. It wasn't as good as the last time I saw him though. David Rawlings was playing of course with Gillian Welch but they both joined Bright Eyes on stage for several songs and he was amazing. I knew he was a good guitarist but seeing him do it live was astounding.