My friend, Katie, and I went to see Jamie Cullum at the Cobb Energy Center last night and it was an amazing show. He is so energetic and has a great stage presence. They also did a few unique and well chose covers like Rhianna, Radiohead and Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River" which they did off the stage and out in the middle of...
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So I saw
 <a href="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/how_google_failed_internet_meme.php">this story</a>
yesterday. The story is about how a blogsite posted a blog about Facebook and AOL announced a partnership titled "Facebook Wants to Be Your One True Login." Pretty standard stuff but this particular blog somehow became the #1 search result on google when you search for "Facebook login" resulting in the indirect ousting of all the internet's stupidest users....
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"Midnite Vultures" is such an underrated album. Everyone talks about "Odelay" (which is great too) and "Sea Change" (which I don't why people it's so good). "Midnite Vultures" was nominated for a Grammy for Alternative Album of the Year up against Radiohead (neither of which won though). It's definitely my favorite Beck album.
I really don't write on here often enough. I just finished my new website at www.embeuu.com last night although I'm still going to build an iPhone only version too just because I can. I'm taking the entire week off work this week because I'm moving to a new apartment so I'll be spending the time painting and cleaning and packing and moving, not to mention,...
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I had a really fun day with my family for Easter. I drove with my brother and his girlfriend down to my parents' house and we spent all day flying kites and playing frisbee. After that we went to see "Adventureland" which was ok but not nearly the comedy of sorts that the advertisements make it out to be. I hate it when they do...
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So Micki has moved out and now I'm going to be starting a new chapter of sorts in my life which will contain much less drama for sure since drama always follows immature people that want to do nothing but party and refuse to grow up. It's funny how she always passed judgment on the people on MTV reality shows when in actuality, she wasn't...
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I have a website up for my free-time, freelance design company now. And I've got a lot more projects I'm working on that will be added to the site soon.

Charlie Is
I put up the coming soon page for my personal website today. embeuu